Product Details
- Easily applied by spray of float method
- Minimum surface preparation required
- Thin film
- Long lasting
- Nontoxic during application
- High flash point (325°F -163°C)
- Easily removed, when necessary
- Patented
A single coat, double pass, is preferred and should provide a 3 mil thickness. This is equivalent to a spray coverage of 500 square feet (46.5 square meters) on new construction and approximately 250 square feet (23.5 square meters) per gallon on rusty surfaces. FALCHEMBALLAST TANK CORROSION PROTECTION does not contain any solvent so, therefore, there is no loss of film thickness due to
evaporation. Do not dilute with solvents.
Calculate actual square footage for each side, top and bottom for quantity of FALCHEMBALLAST
If actual square footage area (including frames, stiffeners, etc.) is available, simply divide by 250 sq. ft/gal., for rusty surfaces or by 500 for new construction, to obtain gallons required for spray application. If actual square footage area is not available, it should be carefully estimated keeping in mind that internal
structures may require up to 5 time the gallons required for only the boundary (L, W, H) tank dimensions.
To properly coat the tank sides about 3/8 inch (10mm) of product must be floated across the top of the water. (This is approximately equivalent to 20 gallons per 100 square feet.) (80 liters per 10 square meters.) For example: First calculate amount required for spray application;
Calculate square footage of sides and ends:
30 feet long x 20 feet deep x 2 = 1200 square feet
20 feet wide x 20 feet deep x 2 = 800 square feet
2000 square feet
At a coverage rate of 250 square feet per gallon, 8 gallons will coat the sides.
Determine single area of greatest surface, to establish floating layer:
Selected surface:
30 feet long x 20 feet wide = 600 square feet
600 square feet ÷ 100 x Height Factor (Ref. Fig. 1) = 600 ÷ 100 x 20 = 120 gallons.
If overheads are not to be sprayed:
30 feet long x 20 feet wide = 600 square feet
At a coverage rate of 250 square feet per gallon, 2.4 gallons will be required.
Adding 1, 2 and 3 = 8 + 120 + 2.4 equals approximately 131 gallons FALCHEM BALLAST TANK CORROSION PROTECTION required.
Internals: Depending on tank construction, i.e. amount and type of framing, stiffeners, intercostals, etc., use from 100-500% extra quantity FALCHEMBALLAST TANK CORROSION PROTECTION for
these surfaces. In some extreme cases, e.g. a forward double bottom, as much as 5 times the calculated quantity may be required. For best results, always spray overheads of tank.
To apply:
- Remove loose scale by high pressure hose, machine washing, or other means.
- Muck and hose tank to remove rust, silt and other sediment. This will make more product available for protection of tank surfaces.
- Pour calculated required amount of product onto the surface of the water. Slowly (no more than 2 in/min.) fill tank. If turbulence occurs, filling rate should be slowed down until
- turbulence stops and product layer reforms. If tank construction has lightening holes, care should be taken to allow the product to spread evenly, holding the water level at a depth in the tank to allow this distribution.
- Press tank to coat overheads. Some areas may not be coated because if air pockets. These areas should be sprayed to provide protection. Slowly de-ballast (do not strip tank).
- Keep in mind to stop discharge at lightening whole levels to allow film to reform.
- Repeat procedure of filling and de-ballasting as above.