Product Details

• Protects against future rusting
• Can be used on welds
• Eliminated need to mechanically blast to white metal in many instances
• Not recommended for outside hull underwater applications

Brush, roll or spray undiluted Falchem® Rust-Con in a heavy white coat with no surface show through at 8-10 mils wet film thickness. When black color appears, rust conversion has started. Wait at least 24 hours before top coating. A second coat of Falchem® Rust-Con may be applied while first coat is still tacky. Apply all top coats according to
manufacturer’s specifications. Use oil based marine or industrial coatings for best weather protection.

Application conditions

  • Keep from freezing, apply at 45°F and raising and below 100°F (7°-37°) and falling.
  • Test over zinc based coatings as same galvanizing reject Falchem® Rust-Con
  • chemistry.
  • Do not apply onto zinc chromate or phosphates, lead magnesium,, copper powder, graphite, borate pigments. Chromate-treated (pickled) fabricated steel building cold rolled perlins and gutters are to remain dry until top coated.
  • Cold rolled steel require abrading to anchor profile and degrease.

Application method

Brush roll or spray undiluted Falchem® Rust-Con in a heavy white coat with no surface show through at 8-10 mils wet film thickness